Can effective qualitative research be conducted remotely?

The health crisis is speeding up the migration of marketing research tools to digital and mobile. Yet digital tools have long been associated with the written word. Today, new tools combining voice and image are enhancing data collection techniques. All of these tools are highly agile and can be used in a variety of ways to [...]

Brands: how can we tap into this tremendous demand for empathy?

At a time when the Coronavirus pandemic is imposing its rules, new questions are assailing consumers. The desire for health is growing, and with it the need for transparency, ethics and solidarity. This new situation will not be without effect on consumption, nor on the relationship with brands. Here's a quick look at the [...]

What research is being done on brands in the digital age?

How can we renew our approach to brand research? At a time when brands have an omnichannel presence, on the web, in-store and on social networks, new digital monitoring tools and evaluation techniques that reflect the reality of customer journeys and targets already exist. The challenge is to learn from them. [...]

A new paradigm in brand relations: a meeting with a brand historian

New forms of brand relationships Editor-in-chief of La Revue des Marques, Jean Watin-Augouard describes himself as a 'brand historian': we meet on the subject of trust, or rather distrust, in brands. Adwise: Recent studies have highlighted the growing distrust of brands, particularly in the financial sector [...].

The hidden face of the IoT (Internet of Things)

The hidden face of the IoT (Internet of Things) Cisco regularly publishes its forecasts for the future of global Internet traffic, highlighting the disparities between countries: for example, while the percentage of Internet users will rise from 44% to 58% of the global population in 2021, it will barely reach 27% in Africa (South Africa [...].

Empathy: a sure thing...

Empathy in marketing and research! When you pass Parisians tapping away on their smartphones in the street, it's hard to imagine that more than 4 out of 10 French people don't have one, or that they only own an 'old' mobile phone without a touchscreen - or even for almost [...].

Restoring trust in insurance brands: an insurer's point of view

Restoring confidence in insurance brands: an insurer's point of view... The banking and, to a lesser extent, insurance sectors have never fully recovered from the 2008 crisis in terms of image, and mistrust still prevails in the minds of consumers. Interview with an expert: [...]

Long live influence!

Or how to define an effective influencer strategy... One of the buzzwords of the year: "influencer strategies", or how to advertise without advertising! The double advantage: consumers are more likely to believe what other consumers recommend... and what's more, it costs less - no need to buy advertising space, of course. The idea is not new: [...]