Advertising investment: cautiousness at every level!

Last week, IREP presented the figures for the advertising market in 2016: zero growth, nothing to be proud of! For 2017, we can hope for... nothing better: election years are not favourable in this respect. Has French industry recovered badly from the 2008 crisis? There's no excuse not to invest! At the end of 2016, [...]

The CDO is dead, long live marketing research!

Once the 'super baron' of every self-respecting large company, the CDO - pronounced Chief Digital Officer - will soon disappear from many organisational charts: what's the point of keeping a digital director when the whole structure has to be digital, as some experts snidely point out? A great organiser, or a great facilitator, [...]

Creativity, a matter of method

Did you say creativity? Steve Jobs will certainly go down as one of the most charismatic businessmen of the 21st century, but he will also go down as one of those who did the most damage to marketing! A true virtuoso of creativity and innovation, he never for a moment doubted the success of his products [...].

Satisfaction at all costs

You've just been to your insurer [your garage mechanic, your banker, etc] and you receive an email asking you to assess the quality of the service you received and the information you were given: how satisfied are you? You've just had a DM conversation about [...].

Don't confuse brand name and domain name

Of course, it's better to use your brand name as your domain name - even if this can sometimes be complicated, with many predators practising cybersquatting; however, brands and URLs respond to different rationales. A domain name should be short and easy to remember. Here, web host OVH outlines the "10 rules" for a good domain name.

Brand and Luxury': interview with Audrey Kabla

Audrey Kabla, Founder of the Epykomène agency and co-chair of Adetem's Luxury Club, has just published Marque et Luxe (Kawa). The first of all the quotes in your book has nothing to do with the commercial world: "My luxury would be to spend 10 minutes with a loved one who has left too [...].

Chronicles of connected intimacy

Pour les Chroniques de l’intimité connectée du collectif des Mardis du Luxembourg, Jean-Marc Goachet* a rédigé avec sa fille Analie âgée de 14 ans, une nouvelle intitulée : Reconstruction numérique où, après un accident dont on ne sait rien, un homme a perdu le souvenir de ses 10 dernières années.   –      Jean-Marc, votre personnage revient 10 […]

Growing mistrust in social media

Eurostat, the body that brings together the statistical institutes of the member countries of the European Union, has just published some worrying results on the trust placed in social media by Europeans. It is clear that the champions of mistrust are the French, with less than 20% of those surveyed considering them to be "reliable". However, Germany, the UK and [...]

Ubérisation: what impact will it have on marketing research?

Today, all sectors - more or less - seem to be falling prey to uberisation, not only the consumer sector, but also the B2B sector... including digital marketing, with Doz, and advertising, with Creads. So why not marketing research? A few introductory remarks, however. First of all, it's not all advertising [...].