Facebook, coming of age?

Facebook! Yet it has become our digital security blanket. Our ADWISE study carried out with Norstat and Nexize for ADETEM[i] reveals that 81% of French people are members of a social network, including 93% on Facebook, the number one social network. 79% of those registered with a social network log on every day: they feed us, we [...]

AI: the semiotic challenge

Artificial intelligence is tackling unstructured data, including language: a huge undertaking, because language cannot be coded and decoded in the same way as the digital information circulating on the web. So if, after reading this article, you exclaim: "Really great", that doesn't mean that you have [...].

Ubérisation: what impact will it have on marketing research?

Today, all sectors - more or less - seem to be falling prey to uberisation, not only the consumer sector, but also the B2B sector... including digital marketing, with Doz, and advertising, with Creads. So why not marketing research? A few introductory remarks, however. First of all, it's not all advertising [...].

Artificial intelligence and qualitative research in 2017?

As well as greetings and sales, January also sees the return of predictions for the year ahead, and the themes that have been playing over and over again in our marketing ecosystem: blockchain, connected objects and robots, big data and artificial intelligence. - Big data is not a new subject: in fact, 2016 saw the recruitment of a large number of data [...].

Start-ups and innovation

The faster time goes on, the more prejudices take over as absolute rules, unavoidable axioms - and today more than ever in the small world of marketing, which often struggles to keep up with technological and societal developments. For example, it's a good thing that start-ups are there to innovate, because large companies are totally incapable of doing so. [...]

Artificial intelligence: can it be accused of racism?

Recently, Youth Laboratories, a Russian start-up run by a 28-year-old entrepreneur, Alexey Shevtsov, launched Beauty.AI, the first beauty contest to be judged by artificial intelligence: a particularly original idea that only ended up unleashing the vindictiveness of Twitter users and other socionauts for... racism! And with good reason: none of the winners had [...]

Human, too human?

With the development of artificial intelligence, robots are making a comeback: after their heyday in fiction, from Asimov to Kubrick, they are suddenly part of our everyday lives, or almost. In Japan, they are beginning to replace pets for the elderly; they are also advising customers in shops: for example, [...].

Creads: the 1st participative design platform

Julien, you are one of the co-founders of Creads (creads.fr): in a few words, can you tell us what makes this start-up special? Creads connects a community of 50,000 international creatives with all the brands looking for creativity (SMEs, major accounts and agencies). We design logos and brand names as well as [...]

Dominique Desjeux : les “milieux innovants”

Adwise : Dominique, tu es anthropologue et sociologue, et tu t’intéresses aux pratiques culturelles et aux innovations dans nos Sociétés occidentales. Tu utilises le terme de “milieu innovant”, emprunté à la géographie et aux territoires. Quels sont pour toi les milieux les innovants historiquement ? DD : il y a 3 grands milieux innovants historiquement : d’abord l’industrie aux […]

Cognitive science and marketing research

Cognitive science and neuroscience are very much in vogue these days in the small world of marketing and market research: but what can we really expect from them? Some people are proposing to replicate experiments carried out in university laboratories in our own field: using MRI, for example, we can see which areas of the brain are [...]