Contextual memory and marketing research

In a recent paper, we discussed the important role played by context in the relevance and richness of our memories; we are now going to draw some methodological conclusions for marketing research. For example, let's look for a moment at aided advertising recall collected either in an omnibus or in a type of study [...].

What about virtual reality in education?

Every week brings its share of technological innovations for research: artificial intelligence for better data analysis, chatbots for automated community conversations, and what about virtual reality? To understand the value of virtual reality in research, you need to try it out. That's when you [...]

Start-ups and innovation

The faster time goes on, the more prejudices take over as absolute rules, unavoidable axioms - and today more than ever in the small world of marketing, which often struggles to keep up with technological and societal developments. For example, it's a good thing that start-ups are there to innovate, because large companies are totally incapable of doing so. [...]

Cognitive science and marketing research

Cognitive science and neuroscience are very much in vogue these days in the small world of marketing and market research: but what can we really expect from them? Some people are proposing to replicate experiments carried out in university laboratories in our own field: using MRI, for example, we can see which areas of the brain are [...]