Market research: breaking out of an overly homogenous environment!

Faced with their responsibilities - and above all their errors of assessment - after the surprise election of Donald Trump, the American media castigated themselves with various and sundry self-criticisms; above all, they had to respond to the questions and reproaches of their readers. "Please come down from your New York skyscraper and join the [...].

Customer experience is everywhere, all the time

These days, everything is done via social media... so much so that all too often, marketers forget the basics! The customer experience involves ALL the contact points where consumers and brands meet - and not just Twitter or Facebook. Of course, you'll be told that the buyer who has a spat with [...]

Growth Hacking: long live the pirates!

With every start-up now imagining itself as a potential Airbnb, Facebook or Instagram, growth hacking is now very much in vogue: everyone is talking about it, without really knowing what this rather barbaric term means. Wikipedia describes it as "tinkering with growth", but it's more likely to mean "hacking it": computer hackers [...].

Yahoo, the end of a Giant - Interview with Catherine Reichert

Catherine, you're leaving Yahoo after 5 years as Communications Director for Southern Europe: Yahoo was one of the emblematic brands of the New Economy and remains almost mythical to this day... Despite all this, Yahoo has experienced an incredible descent into hell in recent years: why? Yahoo is indeed a [...]

Recommendation algorithms or the question of relevance

Yesterday, I was strolling through a local bookshop, one of those bookshops that have managed to resist the combined onslaught of supermarkets, Amazon and, simply because the shop assistants read and love to read... and above all to share their discoveries. Amazon suggests lots of books to me: the latest Goncourt novel because I've [...]

Interview de Christophe Benavent : objets connectés cherchent consommateurs impliqués…

Si les objets connectés apparaissent pour beaucoup comme un nouvel Eldorado, le marché semble encore avoir du mal à décoller ; rencontre avec Christophe Benavent, Professeur à l’Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, et auteur de plateformes : Sites collaboratifs, marketplaces, réseaux sociaux… Comment ils influencent nos choix.   Christophe, le marché des objets connectés […]

Market research: the reinvention of the profession is underway!

Du 18 au 21 septembre dernier, se déroulait le congrès annuel d’Esomar, l’association mondiale des études de marché, à la Nouvelle Orléans. Des études de marché ? Plus vraiment, même si le site proclame encore qu’Esomar est « l’organisation essentielle pour encourager, faire avancer et élever les études de marché dans le monde entier » […]

Numbers, buzz and quality

Figures circulate at a frightening speed these days on social media, especially as they make for sumptuous infographics: in other words, figures make the buzz. Then there's the question of their relevance: when a magnificent diagram aggregates figures from multiple sources, these sources quickly disappear behind the curator, [...].

The Observatory of Changes in Insurance Professions

Norbert Girard, you head up the Observatoire de l'Évolution des Métiers de l'Assurance. In a few words, what are your roles and missions? The Observatoire, which has been in existence for 20 years this year, is an association whose purpose is to help identify the factors that are likely to affect the insurance industry and, in particular, the consequences that this will have for [...].

Artificial intelligence: can it be accused of racism?

Recently, Youth Laboratories, a Russian start-up run by a 28-year-old entrepreneur, Alexey Shevtsov, launched Beauty.AI, the first beauty contest to be judged by artificial intelligence: a particularly original idea that only ended up unleashing the vindictiveness of Twitter users and other socionauts for... racism! And with good reason: none of the winners had [...]