Nexity, connecting to its market and building its strategy on listening to customers


le Challenge

At a time when the real estate market is struggling with the rise in loan rates and high prices per square meter, Nexity wanted to explore the aspirations, obstacles and levers for buying real estate in order to develop a unique approach to intentional buyers. By knowing its prospects and customers better, Nexity wants to better connect to its market and build its strategy on listening to customers.

la Methodologie

With our expertise in BtoB and BtoC qualitative studies, we conducted some thirty individual interviews with buyers of primary residences and investors. Our analysis was designed to place the results in a more exhaustive vision thanks to the TrendLab data. The socio-cultural analysis allowed us to put the statements of individuals and investors into perspective in order to identify strong insights, understand the state of mind, the brakes and levers and test new offer proposals. Now anchored in global aspirations and faithful to a life-centric approach, the brand is working to better connect with intentionalists.

les résultats

A reflection on the brand experience, its charter and its variations to offer a coherent and aspirational customer journey.

Actualiser et mettre en perspective votre 
vision client

Identifier les opportunités 

et vous donner les clés 

de votre succès


Enrichir les offres et apporter une vision de la stratégie d’innovation


Mettre la marque 

en résonnance 

avec son temps