<trp-post-container data-trp-post-id='26889'>Human, it serves à what, the human ?

What are humans good for? The study published in 2013 by Frey and Osborne from the University ofOxford has been the subject of much electronic discussion, stirring up fears and raising questions by forecasting the replacement of more than 700 jobs by robots and the disappearance of almost one in two jobs.

The question immediately arose of an abysmal explosion in the number of unemployed around the world, and whether or not they should be compensated, to which Bill Gates responded by proposing the introduction of a new tax on robots, to introduce a kind of universal income.

Other thinkers believe that while artificial intelligence will inexorably destroy jobs, it will also lead to the creation of new ones; but even the most optimistic must admit that there will still be a significant imbalance between jobs destroyed and new ones created.

Manufacturers in search of profitability will not hesitate to make savings on white-collar workers, just as many industries have done in the past on blue-collar workers, when the robots of 1era generation, invading assembly lines in the automotive industry, for example.

But there is another question that needs to be asked, and that is the impact of these upheavals on their brands.

The fact that cars and washing machines are built by robots doesn't change much for the customer: it may even mean more rigour and technicality, as the robots don't leave the production lines for a coffee and cigarette break.

On the other hand, the fact that the relationship with the brand is now only via 'bots' and other automated systems, whether upstream of the purchase, during the search for information, or downstream, particularly in after-sales service... Admittedly, technology is making steady progress - even if to reach too many call centres, you still have to spend long minutes juggling with the number keys and * or # before you get the service you want - but it's not certain that real empathy will ever be possible between an after-sales robot and a dissatisfied customer.

The dream of many marketers is - upstream - gigantic data lakes that will be analysed endlessly by ultra-sophisticated artificial intelligence: and - downstream - armies of robots to communicate with prospects and customers.

On paper, it all looks good, but it's not certain that it will have a positive impact on the brand's image and strengthen its relationship with the brand!

Perhaps the ones that come out on top will be the ones that turn back the clock, make a difference and re-humanise their relationship with their customers.

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