<trp-post-container data-trp-post-id='33075'>Le consumer from 2030 will be taken in a game from voltage and from imbalance multiple

Florence Hussenot and Sylvie Le Tadic (Adwise) describe the drivers at the crossroads of three major aspirational dynamics and very specific 'macro' trends, which will enable us to anticipate the consumer of 2030. 

But for them, this is only a starting point, and a rigorous and truly ad hoc approach is needed to take account of the specific characteristics of each sector of activity, and to meet the inevitably different needs of each company.

Courtesy of Market Research News

MRNews: Do advertisers often ask you for a medium-term view of their customers?

Florence Hussenot (Adwise): Yes, this is a real need on their part, especially as the way you phrase the question means that we can focus on the underlying trends, rather than on a few specific issues.
possible "fashion effects". But what they need is both the ability to identify the issues arising from current changes, and the capacity to successfully implement this vision for their market.

So what are the most structuring trends for brands?

Sylvie Le Tadic (Adwise) : When thinking about the future, two types of "trends" to imagine what might happen in the future. trends macrowhich are transforming the world, and the dynamics suction which have been at work for decades, changing our societies in our societies in terms of values, behaviour and attitudes. 

…. Read more on the Market Research News website : "The consumer of 2030 will be caught up in multiple imbalances and tensions" - Interview with Florence Hussenot and Sylvie Le Tadic (Adwise) - Market Research News (mrnews.fr)

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