Plaire et Toucher, Gilles Lipovetsky's latest essay - cross-examination

Gilles, you are a philosopher and sociologist, and have just published Plaire et Toucher, an essay on the Society of Seduction, published by Gallimard. Seduction has been reviled for thousands of years. What has changed? The desire to please and seductive behaviour (adornment, cosmetics, gifts, winking and flirting) seem in many ways timeless, [...].

Do you want to be a chabot coach?

According to our experts at the Adetem Factory yesterday, we have entered the 4th Industrial Revolution thanks to Artificial Intelligence, a revolution comparable to that of the discovery of electricity. AI is only one facet of this revolution, which affects a more complete ecosystem: the Internet of Things and the Cloud are the two [...].

Beauty Trends n°1

Services & Beauty: an infinite range... It's now clear that the service era is well and truly under way... Applied to beauty, services take many different forms, starting with transit and mobility and now moving on to personalised offers, from made-to-measure to on-demand services - for women [...].