Is Big Data soluble in ethics - or vice versa?

FDVT - for Data Valuation Tool for Facebook™ Users - comes in the form of a small, free application that runs on Facebook and Chrome and tells you how much revenue you generate for the social media by browsing it: "Would you like to know the money you are generating for Facebook™?", the [...] actually states.

Brand battle in the world of games

The games industry is anything but a carefree world, as evidenced by the recent trademark battle before the Court of Justice of the European Union between the UK's Seven Towers, holder of the intellectual property rights to the Rubik's Cube, and Germany's Simba Toys: at the heart of the offensive was the filing by the former, [...]

Yahoo, the end of a Giant - Interview with Catherine Reichert

Catherine, you're leaving Yahoo after 5 years as Communications Director for Southern Europe: Yahoo was one of the emblematic brands of the New Economy and remains almost mythical to this day... Despite all this, Yahoo has experienced an incredible descent into hell in recent years: why? Yahoo is indeed a [...]

The brand, between image and reputation

Marketing has long mastered the concept of brand image: communications agencies build it up with a great deal of advertising investment, and research institutes regularly evaluate it through barometers and trackings; to get to the bottom of it, qualitative techniques are used, mainly group meetings with batteries of projective tests. [...]

In fact, what was the purpose of a brand?

Question sans doute un peu provocatrice, mais que se posaient – et se posent encore – de nombreux jeunes marketers avec la montée en puissance du Web et du Web social : pourquoi créer des marques puissantes – mis à part dans le luxe, et encore – quand toutes se retrouvent à une portée de […]