Can effective qualitative research be conducted remotely?

The health crisis is speeding up the migration of marketing research tools to digital and mobile. Yet digital tools have long been associated with the written word. Today, new tools combining voice and image are enhancing data collection techniques. All of these tools are highly agile and can be used in a variety of ways to [...]

Brands: how can we tap into this tremendous demand for empathy?

At a time when the Coronavirus pandemic is imposing its rules, new questions are assailing consumers. The desire for health is growing, and with it the need for transparency, ethics and solidarity. This new situation will not be without effect on consumption, nor on the relationship with brands. Here's a quick look at the [...]

Facebook, Tesla... bad Karma for GAFA and NATU?

Many brands are embodied in the emblematic personality of their founder - sometimes an almost mythical collaborator: the shoemaker Kihachiro Onitsuka still personifies Asics, which he founded to give a sporting ideal back to Japanese youth after the Second World War, while the American basketball player Chuck Taylor still evokes [...].

Jakobson and the brand

Roman Jakobson never dealt directly with the brand, but his Essays in General Linguistics provide us with an interesting framework for analysing brand names and their communication, particularly in the chapter entitled Linguistics and Poetics. As a good functionalist, "language must be studied in all its functions", and he distinguishes six of them, [...].

Plaire et Toucher, Gilles Lipovetsky's latest essay - cross-examination

Gilles, you are a philosopher and sociologist, and have just published Plaire et Toucher, an essay on the Society of Seduction, published by Gallimard. Seduction has been reviled for thousands of years. What has changed? The desire to please and seductive behaviour (adornment, cosmetics, gifts, winking and flirting) seem in many ways timeless, [...].

Do you want to be a chabot coach?

According to our experts at the Adetem Factory yesterday, we have entered the 4th Industrial Revolution thanks to Artificial Intelligence, a revolution comparable to that of the discovery of electricity. AI is only one facet of this revolution, which affects a more complete ecosystem: the Internet of Things and the Cloud are the two [...].

Brands, ethics and digital harassment

RGPD - for Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données (General Data Protection Regulation): experts are stepping up their conferences to raise advertisers' awareness of the new European regulation aimed at strengthening the protection of personal data, which is due to come into force on 24 May 2018. But it's not clear that consumers are seeing it clearly... or even caring much about it: it's all [...]

Protecting the birth of ideas: interview with Olivier Laborde

Olivier, you published "Innover ou disparaître" for which you won the "Digital Book of the Year" award. You are Director of Innovation and Digital Transformation for a major financial group, and in 2015 you won the Argus de l'assurance digitale award for "Best internal strategy for digital transformation".

What's the point of a brand platform in the digital age?

What's the point of a brand platform in the digital age? In today's digital age, everyone is on Facebook: teenagers, senior citizens, Parisians, provincials, politicians... and brands, of course! On Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. All it takes is one social network to go from strength to strength, and there's a rush. Logical [...]