Can effective qualitative research be conducted remotely?

The health crisis is speeding up the migration of marketing research tools to digital and mobile. Yet digital tools have long been associated with the written word. Today, new tools combining voice and image are enhancing data collection techniques. All of these tools are highly agile and can be used in a variety of ways to [...]

Serendipity at the heart of research

It's fashionable to say that Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin by accident, if not by chance, because he was extremely careless, as Wikipedia describes him - "He usually forgot which cultures he was working on and his laboratory was usually a mess" - and he had allowed mould to grow on his [...].

Marketing research: how do you turn insights into business decisions?

Interview with Sylvie Lasoen, CMI Director France & Spain @Unilever, on the challenges of research The question of the operationality of marketing research often arises: how do you turn insights into business decisions? Research results, no matter how relevant, are of no use if they are not translated into business decisions. Hence the importance of putting [...]

The evolution of digital mums by Ophélie Morelle

Interview with Ophélie Morelle, Strategic Planner@aufeminin Groupe, on digital mums Ophélie, as part of your Strategic Planning missions at, you are interested in digital mums: to begin with, what is the purpose of Strategic Planning for a group like Strategic planning at aufeminin differs in some respects from the role of planner [...].

Market research: breaking out of an overly homogenous environment!

Faced with their responsibilities - and above all their errors of assessment - after the surprise election of Donald Trump, the American media castigated themselves with various and sundry self-criticisms; above all, they had to respond to the questions and reproaches of their readers. "Please come down from your New York skyscraper and join the [...].

Customer experience is everywhere, all the time

These days, everything is done via social media... so much so that all too often, marketers forget the basics! The customer experience involves ALL the contact points where consumers and brands meet - and not just Twitter or Facebook. Of course, you'll be told that the buyer who has a spat with [...]

Growth Hacking: long live the pirates!

With every start-up now imagining itself as a potential Airbnb, Facebook or Instagram, growth hacking is now very much in vogue: everyone is talking about it, without really knowing what this rather barbaric term means. Wikipedia describes it as "tinkering with growth", but it's more likely to mean "hacking it": computer hackers [...].

Recommendation algorithms or the question of relevance

Yesterday, I was strolling through a local bookshop, one of those bookshops that have managed to resist the combined onslaught of supermarkets, Amazon and, simply because the shop assistants read and love to read... and above all to share their discoveries. Amazon suggests lots of books to me: the latest Goncourt novel because I've [...]