Plaire et Toucher, Gilles Lipovetsky's latest essay - cross-examination

Gilles, you are a philosopher and sociologist, and have just published Plaire et Toucher, an essay on the Society of Seduction, published by Gallimard. Seduction has been reviled for thousands of years. What has changed? The desire to please and seductive behaviour (adornment, cosmetics, gifts, winking and flirting) seem in many ways timeless, [...].

Do you want to be a chabot coach?

According to our experts at the Adetem Factory yesterday, we have entered the 4th Industrial Revolution thanks to Artificial Intelligence, a revolution comparable to that of the discovery of electricity. AI is only one facet of this revolution, which affects a more complete ecosystem: the Internet of Things and the Cloud are the two [...].

Co-construction and well-being in the workplace: a natural association?

Collaboration and co-construction are ancient and plural phenomena. The artists' houses (Labs?) in Brooklyn and elsewhere, where people wrote, composed, sculpted or played the piano with their doors wide open, were also frequented by journalists and critics who disseminated their work in post-war New York, right up to the Factory in the 60s; or [...].

Empathy: a sure thing...

Empathy in marketing and research! When you pass Parisians tapping away on their smartphones in the street, it's hard to imagine that more than 4 out of 10 French people don't have one, or that they only own an 'old' mobile phone without a touchscreen - or even for almost [...].

What is a mythologist in the 21st century?

Georges, tu te présentes aujourd’hui comme mythologue : c’est quoi, un mythologue … et surtout, un mythologue au 21ème siècle ? Il y a ou il y eut de célèbres mythologues comme Roland Barthes qui donne cette définition des mythes : « ce sont les mythes qui rendent les événements intelligibles, qui font passer le réel à […]

Cognitive science and marketing research

Cognitive science and neuroscience are very much in vogue these days in the small world of marketing and market research: but what can we really expect from them? Some people are proposing to replicate experiments carried out in university laboratories in our own field: using MRI, for example, we can see which areas of the brain are [...]