Marketing research: what 2019 holds in store...

The beginning of the year is often a time for taking stock, and it's clear that our profession as insight hunters is evolving, thanks to new methodologies and, above all, new combinations of methodologies that make us even sharper at deciphering information. By taking a step back from the assignments we have carried out over the last few [...]

Plaire et Toucher, Gilles Lipovetsky's latest essay - cross-examination

Gilles, you are a philosopher and sociologist, and have just published Plaire et Toucher, an essay on the Society of Seduction, published by Gallimard. Seduction has been reviled for thousands of years. What has changed? The desire to please and seductive behaviour (adornment, cosmetics, gifts, winking and flirting) seem in many ways timeless, [...].

Do you want to be a chabot coach?

According to our experts at the Adetem Factory yesterday, we have entered the 4th Industrial Revolution thanks to Artificial Intelligence, a revolution comparable to that of the discovery of electricity. AI is only one facet of this revolution, which affects a more complete ecosystem: the Internet of Things and the Cloud are the two [...].

A look back at the Printemps des Études

Printemps des Études 2017 This year's Printemps des Études was a rather quiet, if not almost wait-and-see affair: no earth-shattering announcements, no earth-shattering innovations. At the very most, we noted the arrival of virtual reality headsets on several stands, but no doubt we'll have to wait until consumers have really adopted them in everyday life before we can include them in [...].

Advertising investment: cautiousness at every level!

Last week, IREP presented the figures for the advertising market in 2016: zero growth, nothing to be proud of! For 2017, we can hope for... nothing better: election years are not favourable in this respect. Has French industry recovered badly from the 2008 crisis? There's no excuse not to invest! At the end of 2016, [...]

The CDO is dead, long live marketing research!

Once the 'super baron' of every self-respecting large company, the CDO - pronounced Chief Digital Officer - will soon disappear from many organisational charts: what's the point of keeping a digital director when the whole structure has to be digital, as some experts snidely point out? A great organiser, or a great facilitator, [...]

Marketing research: how do you turn insights into business decisions?

Interview with Sylvie Lasoen, CMI Director France & Spain @Unilever, on the challenges of research The question of the operationality of marketing research often arises: how do you turn insights into business decisions? Research results, no matter how relevant, are of no use if they are not translated into business decisions. Hence the importance of putting [...]

The evolution of digital mums by Ophélie Morelle

Interview with Ophélie Morelle, Strategic Planner@aufeminin Groupe, on digital mums Ophélie, as part of your Strategic Planning missions at, you are interested in digital mums: to begin with, what is the purpose of Strategic Planning for a group like Strategic planning at aufeminin differs in some respects from the role of planner [...].

Satisfaction at all costs

You've just been to your insurer [your garage mechanic, your banker, etc] and you receive an email asking you to assess the quality of the service you received and the information you were given: how satisfied are you? You've just had a DM conversation about [...].