Should Facebook be banned?

Facebook has not left the media indifferent, with some even raising the question of banning it: too powerful, too dangerous, especially for younger audiences ... even if the latter are turning away from it en masse - but tomorrow, we'll certainly be suggesting a ban on WhatsApp! Others, on the contrary, suggest transforming the independent network into a service [...].

You've been spammed: take your revenge!

Your bank sends you an e-mail - complete with logo, address, etc. - to inform you that: "At the time of your last purchase, you received a message informing you of the obligation to adhere to the new regulations concerning reliability for purchases by credit card on the Internet and the introduction of a stop [...]".

Plaire et Toucher, Gilles Lipovetsky's latest essay - cross-examination

Gilles, you are a philosopher and sociologist, and have just published Plaire et Toucher, an essay on the Society of Seduction, published by Gallimard. Seduction has been reviled for thousands of years. What has changed? The desire to please and seductive behaviour (adornment, cosmetics, gifts, winking and flirting) seem in many ways timeless, [...].

Do you want to be a chabot coach?

According to our experts at the Adetem Factory yesterday, we have entered the 4th Industrial Revolution thanks to Artificial Intelligence, a revolution comparable to that of the discovery of electricity. AI is only one facet of this revolution, which affects a more complete ecosystem: the Internet of Things and the Cloud are the two [...].

What research is being done on brands in the digital age?

How can we renew our approach to brand research? At a time when brands have an omnichannel presence, on the web, in-store and on social networks, new digital monitoring tools and evaluation techniques that reflect the reality of customer journeys and targets already exist. The challenge is to learn from them. [...]

A new paradigm in brand relations: a meeting with a brand historian

New forms of brand relationships Editor-in-chief of La Revue des Marques, Jean Watin-Augouard describes himself as a 'brand historian': we meet on the subject of trust, or rather distrust, in brands. Adwise: Recent studies have highlighted the growing distrust of brands, particularly in the financial sector [...].

Are social media still credible?

According to a recent survey, social media is the primary source of information for young people in Gen Z, on a par with websites and television. Adwise has observed this through its Gen Z community. This is a complicated phenomenon to understand for the over-35s, who overwhelmingly prefer traditional audiovisual [...]

Long live influence!

Or how to define an effective influencer strategy... One of the buzzwords of the year: "influencer strategies", or how to advertise without advertising! The double advantage: consumers are more likely to believe what other consumers recommend... and what's more, it costs less - no need to buy advertising space, of course. The idea is not new: [...]

Growing mistrust in social media

Eurostat, the body that brings together the statistical institutes of the member countries of the European Union, has just published some worrying results on the trust placed in social media by Europeans. It is clear that the champions of mistrust are the French, with less than 20% of those surveyed considering them to be "reliable". However, Germany, the UK and [...]