The CDO is dead, long live marketing research!

Once the 'super baron' of every self-respecting large company, the CDO - pronounced Chief Digital Officer - will soon disappear from many organisational charts: what's the point of keeping a digital director when the whole structure has to be digital, as some experts snidely point out? A great organiser, or a great facilitator, [...]

The evolution of digital mums by Ophélie Morelle

Interview with Ophélie Morelle, Strategic Planner@aufeminin Groupe, on digital mums Ophélie, as part of your Strategic Planning missions at, you are interested in digital mums: to begin with, what is the purpose of Strategic Planning for a group like Strategic planning at aufeminin differs in some respects from the role of planner [...].

Back from Las Vegas!

Every year in early January, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is held in Las Vegas. It's a strange show that in the space of a few years has moved from the world of audio-video (= 'consumer electronics') to that of new technologies, while at the same time its organiser, the Consumer Electronics Association, has changed its name to... Consumer Technology Association. A strange show [...]

Satisfaction at all costs

You've just been to your insurer [your garage mechanic, your banker, etc] and you receive an email asking you to assess the quality of the service you received and the information you were given: how satisfied are you? You've just had a DM conversation about [...].

Growing mistrust in social media

Eurostat, the body that brings together the statistical institutes of the member countries of the European Union, has just published some worrying results on the trust placed in social media by Europeans. It is clear that the champions of mistrust are the French, with less than 20% of those surveyed considering them to be "reliable". However, Germany, the UK and [...]

Ubérisation: what impact will it have on marketing research?

Today, all sectors - more or less - seem to be falling prey to uberisation, not only the consumer sector, but also the B2B sector... including digital marketing, with Doz, and advertising, with Creads. So why not marketing research? A few introductory remarks, however. First of all, it's not all advertising [...].

Artificial intelligence and qualitative research in 2017?

As well as greetings and sales, January also sees the return of predictions for the year ahead, and the themes that have been playing over and over again in our marketing ecosystem: blockchain, connected objects and robots, big data and artificial intelligence. - Big data is not a new subject: in fact, 2016 saw the recruitment of a large number of data [...].

Usine IO: support from design to industrialisation

Gary, you co-direct Usine IO. What is its mission? Yes, with my partners Agathe and Benjamin. Usine's mission is to support all physical product project leaders from design through to industrialisation. We want to become the benchmark for hardware product development worldwide. Companies are under pressure to innovate [...].

Start-ups and innovation

The faster time goes on, the more prejudices take over as absolute rules, unavoidable axioms - and today more than ever in the small world of marketing, which often struggles to keep up with technological and societal developments. For example, it's a good thing that start-ups are there to innovate, because large companies are totally incapable of doing so. [...]