Brand battle in the world of games

The games industry is anything but a carefree world, as evidenced by the recent trademark battle before the Court of Justice of the European Union between the UK's Seven Towers, holder of the intellectual property rights to the Rubik's Cube, and Germany's Simba Toys: at the heart of the offensive was the filing by the former, [...]

Growth Hacking: long live the pirates!

With every start-up now imagining itself as a potential Airbnb, Facebook or Instagram, growth hacking is now very much in vogue: everyone is talking about it, without really knowing what this rather barbaric term means. Wikipedia describes it as "tinkering with growth", but it's more likely to mean "hacking it": computer hackers [...].

Yahoo, the end of a Giant - Interview with Catherine Reichert

Catherine, you're leaving Yahoo after 5 years as Communications Director for Southern Europe: Yahoo was one of the emblematic brands of the New Economy and remains almost mythical to this day... Despite all this, Yahoo has experienced an incredible descent into hell in recent years: why? Yahoo is indeed a [...]

Recommendation algorithms or the question of relevance

Yesterday, I was strolling through a local bookshop, one of those bookshops that have managed to resist the combined onslaught of supermarkets, Amazon and, simply because the shop assistants read and love to read... and above all to share their discoveries. Amazon suggests lots of books to me: the latest Goncourt novel because I've [...]

Numbers, buzz and quality

Figures circulate at a frightening speed these days on social media, especially as they make for sumptuous infographics: in other words, figures make the buzz. Then there's the question of their relevance: when a magnificent diagram aggregates figures from multiple sources, these sources quickly disappear behind the curator, [...].

Marketing trends, by Jean-Félix Biosse Duplan

Interview avec le Vice-Président de l’Adetem Jean-Félix, tu quittes le groupe Essilor où tu as passé une part importante de ta carrière : quel regard portes-tu sur les évolutions qu’a connu le marketing ces dernières années ? Le marketing occupe une place plus large : d’une part, il remonte nettement plus en amont dans les projets ; […]

Inbound Marketing: interview with Stéphane Truphème

Stéphane, you're passionate about digital marketing and co-founded the Kinoa agency in June 2000, which specialises in digital marketing. You were one of the very first to introduce inbound marketing in France. 1. Inbound marketing is all the rage: what is it, in a nutshell? First and foremost, it's a methodology that enables [...]

In fact, what was the purpose of a brand?

Question sans doute un peu provocatrice, mais que se posaient – et se posent encore – de nombreux jeunes marketers avec la montée en puissance du Web et du Web social : pourquoi créer des marques puissantes – mis à part dans le luxe, et encore – quand toutes se retrouvent à une portée de […]

Interview with Stéphanie Perrin

Printemps des Études recently celebrated its 5th year: this is no ordinary trade fair, it was born out of close collaboration with research institutes? In fact, the Communication/ Marketing/ Opinion sector wanted to be able to represent itself in a different way from the traditional trade fair medium. The Re-Création collective, which was set up on LinkedIn and now includes [...]

The social networks of tomorrow

Twitter vient d’inaugurer ses nouveaux locaux au cœur de Paris, près de l’Opéra… pas très loin des anciens bureaux de Google – et à quelques encablures des nouveaux. Les politiques se bousculent au portillon pour ces événements (Valls succédant donc à Sarkozy), et l’on pourrait s’interroger sur la signification de ces cérémonies où les opérateurs […]