Marketing research: how do you turn insights into business decisions?

Interview with Sylvie Lasoen, CMI Director France & Spain @Unilever, on the challenges of research The question of the operationality of marketing research often arises: how do you turn insights into business decisions? Research results, no matter how relevant, are of no use if they are not translated into business decisions. Hence the importance of putting [...]

Yahoo, la fin d’un Géant – Entretien avec Catherine Reichert

Catherine, tu quittes Yahoo après 5 années comme Directrice de la Communication pour l’Europe du sud : Yahoo fut une des marques emblématiques de la Nouvelle Économie et reste aujourd’hui encore une marque presque mythique… Malgré tout, Yahoo a connu ces dernières années une incroyable descente aux enfers : pourquoi ? Yahoo est effectivement une […]

Recommendation algorithms or the question of relevance

Yesterday, I was strolling through a local bookshop, one of those bookshops that have managed to resist the combined onslaught of supermarkets, Amazon and, simply because the shop assistants read and love to read... and above all to share their discoveries. Amazon suggests lots of books to me: the latest Goncourt novel because I've [...]

The Observatory of Changes in Insurance Professions

Norbert Girard, you head up the Observatoire de l'Évolution des Métiers de l'Assurance. In a few words, what are your roles and missions? The Observatoire, which has been in existence for 20 years this year, is an association whose purpose is to help identify the factors that are likely to affect the insurance industry and, in particular, the consequences that this will have for [...].