Serendipity at the heart of Web listening on social networks

In 2012, Alain Beauvieux published Les médias sociaux, sans bla bla, one of the first books devoted to Web Listening, in which he shares with us one of the first experiences of serendipity on social media -Interview Adwise: In 2011, one of your clients commissioned a study on counterfeiting on the Web... Alain Beauvieux: Indeed, [...]

What's the point of a brand platform in the digital age?

What's the point of a brand platform in the digital age? In today's digital age, everyone is on Facebook: teenagers, senior citizens, Parisians, provincials, politicians... and brands, of course! On Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. All it takes is one social network to go from strength to strength, and there's a rush. Logical [...]

The brand in the digital age

Hervé Kabla, Chairman of Be Angels, a leading social media specialist and author of Le digital expliqué à mon boss and Le Social Selling expliqué à mon boss, talks to us about branding in the digital age. Adwise: Every time a new social medium starts to take off, all the brands jump on board for fear of being left behind.