What prompted us to produce a white paper on agile innovation? Three reasons guided this exercise:
1- Rarely disruption the economy (and politics), leaving sectors on the brink of survival. So we need to INNOVATE! Whether you're a large company or a small one, BtoB or BtoC, with a centralised or decentralised culture, in industry, agriculture or services, with an innovation department or not; no one is spared. So you have to get into the habit of innovating, taking detours and accepting the position of rebel. Because the challenge is clearly to slowly change behaviour so as to facilitate the "natural" implementation of innovative behaviour. "As Henri-Jacques Letellier says: "Not innovating is waiting for a cycle to pass. The challenge is therefore toacculturate the company, and its employees involved, to the risk. And because no rule works for everyone, only the sharing of experience between doers provides food for thought on an ad hoc basis.
2- Set up the culture of innovation allows sharing and a richer, more exciting team life, developing well-being, listening skills, a sense of responsibility and personal development; we are convinced that this is at the heart of successful management.
3- Innovation finally allows a different way of working logical thinking and its reassuring "why - therefore - consequently" chain of causality, there are intuitive thinking using natural creativity and emotions. Creativity is a temporary break with reason, logic and order. Not only does it feel good, but we French are particularly predisposed to it. That's why there's a French school of innovation that needs to be promoted.
There is undoubtedly a tendency to contrast 'heavy' innovation, the preserve of large industrial groups, with 'agile' innovation, the preserve of start-ups... but isn't that too much of a caricature? Is agile innovation only for start-ups?
So to get a better idea of what's really going on, beyond the tools, we've given the floor to the innovators, manufacturers and experts. They answer all the questions you may be asking yourself: how are companies redeveloping their innovation strategy? what role should be played by collaboration between start-ups and major groups? how much importance should be given to the voice of the customer? is there still a need for an innovation department?
To all these questions, each of them provides answers that reflect their day-to-day practice - for which they are warmly thanked... and we have to recognise that there is no miracle recipe, no one-size-fits-all approach. Large groups or start-ups, each holds not the truth but a part of the truth which, I hope, will help you to construct your own truth.
Ask for our white paper.
Enjoy your reading!