Facebook, coming of age?

Facebook! Yet it has become our digital security blanket. Our ADWISE study carried out with Norstat and Nexize for ADETEM[i] reveals that 81% of French people are members of a social network, including 93% on Facebook, the number one social network. 79% of those registered with a social network log on every day: they feed us, we [...]

Back from Las Vegas!

Every year in early January, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is held in Las Vegas. It's a strange show that in the space of a few years has moved from the world of audio-video (= 'consumer electronics') to that of new technologies, while at the same time its organiser, the Consumer Electronics Association, has changed its name to... Consumer Technology Association. A strange show [...]

Numbers, buzz and quality

Figures circulate at a frightening speed these days on social media, especially as they make for sumptuous infographics: in other words, figures make the buzz. Then there's the question of their relevance: when a magnificent diagram aggregates figures from multiple sources, these sources quickly disappear behind the curator, [...].

What is a flat society?

A few weeks ago, I overheard a teacher friend complaining to his colleagues: "I don't know how to deal with these students, they pretend to engage in discussion without respecting my status as a teacher: they would like to be able to discuss things with me on an almost equal footing, it's unacceptable". Unacceptable ... but inevitable [...]

Marketing's little nonsense by Catherine Heurtebise

Catherine, after years in journalism, you have published Les Petites Bêtises Du Marketing: what prompted you to write such a collection? Georges Lewi came up with the idea of writing a book about marketing flops. The idea came at just the right time, because after I left Marketing Magazine, I was as free as a bird [...].

Beauty Trends n°1

Services & Beauty: an infinite range... It's now clear that the service era is well and truly under way... Applied to beauty, services take many different forms, starting with transit and mobility and now moving on to personalised offers, from made-to-measure to on-demand services - for women [...].

Big data explains nothing!

Le big data est à la mode   Les entreprises les plus en pointe engagent des data scientists pour analyser l’immense masse de leurs données – internes, externes (récupérées par exemple sur les médias sociaux) et tierces (achetées à des fournisseurs spécialisés). Pour analyser, mais surtout pour agir : car le big data, c’est le premier […]