From branding to brand design thinking

Georges Lewi, whom we've already had the pleasure of interviewing here as a mythologist, talks to us today about consumer experience. Adwise: At the last Printemps des études, you mentioned the concept of 'brand design thinking': we know you're an expert in branding, but what do you mean by 'brand design thinking'? Georges Lewi: It's the use of 'design thinking' in the development of [...].

Innovation in insurance

[vc_row row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” text_align=”left” css_animation=””][vc_column][vc_column_text]Rencontre avec Domitille Bouvier Servajean, Responsable innovation & nouveaux usages d’APRIL. Adwise : En deux mots peux-tu présenter le groupe APRIL ? Domitille Bouvier Servajean : Bien sûr ! APRIL est un groupe international de services en assurance et leader des courtiers grossistes en France. En tant que courtier grossiste nous concevons, gérons […]

The social life of brands

Bernard Cova teaches marketing and consumer sociology at Kedge Business School. He has just published "La vie sociale des marques". Meet one of those rare marketers who are passionate about consumers. Adwise: In your opinion, not only do brands create our identity (as Baudrillard was already saying), they also structure [...].

AI as seen by the father of the Mercator

Julien Levy is the author of the best-selling Mercator and Director of the HEC Digital Centre and the AXA Digital Strategy and Big Data Chair. Adwise: In a recent speech at the Adetem Factory, you said that one of the major challenges of our time was to "produce and exploit digital data on everything, everywhere, every [...]".

Serendipity at the heart of Web listening on social networks

In 2012, Alain Beauvieux published Les médias sociaux, sans bla bla, one of the first books devoted to Web Listening, in which he shares with us one of the first experiences of serendipity on social media -Interview Adwise: In 2011, one of your clients commissioned a study on counterfeiting on the Web... Alain Beauvieux: Indeed, [...]

Jérémie Clevy, a 40-year-old among Millennials

Jérémie Clevy has just succeeded Alexandre Malsch as Chairman of Melty, the media company for the under-30s; meet a journalist lost among the Millenials. Adwise: Jérémie, you've just succeeded Alexandre Malsch as Chairman of Melty. In a few words, where are you from? Jérémie Clevy: From the future since 1998 [...].

Social Web metrics: meet Hervé Pépin

What metrics for the Social Web? Hervé Pépin, founder of Nexize and member of the Adetem board, one of the best experts on the social web, talks to us today about social web metrics. Adwise: Socionauts and brands are multiplying their interactions on social media, and marketers are counting down the number of 'likes' and [...].

A new paradigm in brand relations: a meeting with a brand historian

New forms of brand relationships Editor-in-chief of La Revue des Marques, Jean Watin-Augouard describes himself as a 'brand historian': we meet on the subject of trust, or rather distrust, in brands. Adwise: Recent studies have highlighted the growing distrust of brands, particularly in the financial sector [...].