Restoring trust in insurance brands: an insurer's point of view

Restoring confidence in insurance brands: an insurer's point of view... The banking and, to a lesser extent, insurance sectors have never fully recovered from the 2008 crisis in terms of image, and mistrust still prevails in the minds of consumers. Interview with an expert: [...]

Internet of Things: the 3rd IT revolution

Internet des Objets : la révolution est en marche… Jean-Paul Crenn vient de publier avec Gérard Haas : L’Internet des Objets : la 3ème Révolution Informatique. Rencontre avec l’auteur. Adwise : Vous parlez de « 3ème Révolution Informatique » ; rappelons que Jeremy Rifkin qualifiait déjà de « 3ème Révolution Industrielle » la période commençant avec le développement […]

Marketing research: how do you turn insights into business decisions?

Interview with Sylvie Lasoen, CMI Director France & Spain @Unilever, on the challenges of research The question of the operationality of marketing research often arises: how do you turn insights into business decisions? Research results, no matter how relevant, are of no use if they are not translated into business decisions. Hence the importance of putting [...]

The evolution of digital mums by Ophélie Morelle

Interview with Ophélie Morelle, Strategic Planner@aufeminin Groupe, on digital mums Ophélie, as part of your Strategic Planning missions at, you are interested in digital mums: to begin with, what is the purpose of Strategic Planning for a group like Strategic planning at aufeminin differs in some respects from the role of planner [...].

Don't confuse brand name and domain name

Of course, it's better to use your brand name as your domain name - even if this can sometimes be complicated, with many predators practising cybersquatting; however, brands and URLs respond to different rationales. A domain name should be short and easy to remember. Here, web host OVH outlines the "10 rules" for a good domain name.

Brand and Luxury': interview with Audrey Kabla

Audrey Kabla, Founder of the Epykomène agency and co-chair of Adetem's Luxury Club, has just published Marque et Luxe (Kawa). The first of all the quotes in your book has nothing to do with the commercial world: "My luxury would be to spend 10 minutes with a loved one who has left too [...].

Chronicles of connected intimacy

Pour les Chroniques de l’intimité connectée du collectif des Mardis du Luxembourg, Jean-Marc Goachet* a rédigé avec sa fille Analie âgée de 14 ans, une nouvelle intitulée : Reconstruction numérique où, après un accident dont on ne sait rien, un homme a perdu le souvenir de ses 10 dernières années.   –      Jean-Marc, votre personnage revient 10 […]

Usine IO: support from design to industrialisation

Gary, you co-direct Usine IO. What is its mission? Yes, with my partners Agathe and Benjamin. Usine's mission is to support all physical product project leaders from design through to industrialisation. We want to become the benchmark for hardware product development worldwide. Companies are under pressure to innovate [...].