Innovate in start-up mode

Little Big Change

The brief came from an international manufacturer of hygiene products in the women's, senior and babycare sectors (turnover: €2 billion), specialising in private label manufacturing.

The Challenge

For the first time, the Group decided to launch its own brand in France in the world of baby nappies, seizing the opportunity opened up by the emergence of a new sales channel: digital.


The project was run by two people (marketing and strategy), with few resources and the need to move quickly. They contacted Adwise to help them define the brand, the content of the offer, around the basic concept of subscription.


Adwise's approach was built on the model of agile, smart and rapid design thinking.

-We began by meeting with 10 influencers who were baby mums and specialised in the baby and lifestyle worlds to open our minds, shed light on trends, and bear witness to the lifestyles, attitudes, desires and stress points of families with babies. We used both face-to-face meetings and digital exchanges.

-We then organised a 4-day Insight Boot Camp, combining a creativity and concept writing session with the Buzzman agency and the client, and validation with families. We went from 4 brand concepts to 2 and then one, deepened and enriched around the notion of eco-responsibility. Every aspect is detailed, from the box to the style of the nappies, from the loyalty programme to the ordering application. Nothing is left to chance.

-We assisted the client in drafting their Brand House, including their strategic target, and in finding video testimonials for their launch.


From the moment of launch, the brand is out of the test kit. It established itself on the market with a 'rebellious' and activist positioning, a tone that broke with the 'baby blue', a personality that contrasted with the image of generations of young parents who no longer wanted to choose between simplicity and health.

Subscribers naturally feed the communication by posting short sentences with the nappies.

The brand is now launched internationally

Our other projects

Update and put into perspective your 
customer vision

Identifying opportunities 

and giving you the keys 

of your success


Enhance offerings and provide insight into innovation strategy


Aligning your brand 

with today's 
