Will marketing research be able to rise to the challenge of AI?

Over the course of its history, marketing research has been perfectly able to meet the two major challenges of integrating the contributions of university research and technological progress, and to continually enrich itself as a result. In the early 1970s, under the impetus of Georges [...]

Home Smart Home 

After the Smartphone comes the... Smart Home: you can't do without your connected phone now, and tomorrow you'll be addicted to your connected home. And don't be mistaken: pronounce it Smart Home... and certainly not domotics, as you'd be immediately branded a has-been! The market is booming, and according to Statista [...]

A little warmth, please!

Human warmth in a digital world? After many setbacks, Amazon finally opened its Amazon Go cashless shop last month. Just to be on the safe side, it's located at the foot of one of the skyscrapers at its Seattle HQ, because we're still a long way from 100% reliability! Hypermarkets [...]

L’humain, ça sert à quoi, l’humain ?

Ça sert à quoi, l’humain ? L’étude publiée en 2013 par Frey et Osborne de l’université d’Oxford a fait couler beaucoup d’encre électronique, attisé bien des peurs et suscité bien des interrogations en prévoyant le replacement de plus de 700 métiers par des robots et la disparition de près d’un emploi sur deux. La question […]

Is marketing research outdated?

Les études marketing ne seraient plus utiles ? Il y a quelque temps, intervenant dans une conférence à l’Adetem, Bruno Walther, fondateur de Captain Dash, lançait de manière un peu provocatrice : « Avec les nouveaux outils de CRM et de retargeting, on n’a plus vraiment besoin d’études pour comprendre le consommateur, on a en main toutes […]

The great return of magical thinking

The decade that is drawing to a close will certainly have been marked by the great return of magical thinking, at a time when our world seems to be embarking on a huge technological - and therefore rational - headlong rush. Antonio Damasio, in L'erreur de Descartes, highlighted the role of emotions and feelings in decision-making.

Artificial Intelligence also includes "artificial".

In the last two months of the year, at least two or three marketing events are held every working day: and almost all of them have artificial intelligence as their main theme. Fascination? Fad? A bit of both, no doubt... Artificial intelligence is obviously also making its presence felt in the small world of marketing research - and Adetem is [...]

AI: the semiotic challenge

Artificial intelligence is tackling unstructured data, including language: a huge undertaking, because language cannot be coded and decoded in the same way as the digital information circulating on the web. So if, after reading this article, you exclaim: "Really great", that doesn't mean that you have [...].

The 70th Esomar Congress (European Society for Marketing Research)

Le 70ème Congrès Esomar (European Society for Marketing Research) se tenait du 10 au 13 Septembre à Amsterdam, avec pour titre : Visionary. En introduction, Vanessa Oshima, la Présidente du Comité de programme, comparait l’industrie des études à celle de l’édition musicale : il y a une vingtaine d’années, pour un artiste le succès se concrétisait en […]