Internet of Things: the revolution is underway...
Jean-Paul Crenn has just published Gérard Haas : The Internet of Things: the 3rd IT Revolution. Meet the author.
Adwise : You are talking about " 3th IT Revolution Jeremy Rifkin has already described the " 3th Industrial Revolution the period beginning with the development of New Information and Communication Technologies: a revolution within a revolution? Or a headlong rush into buzz-worthy names?
Jean-Paul Crenn: We could also have highlighted the fact that we are entering the " 2th age of the machine by referring to the excellent book by two MIT economists, Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee (Work and prosperity in the age of the technological revolutionÉditions Odile Jacob, 2015). Then, " 3th Industrial Revolution3rd Information Technology Revolution", " 2th Age of the machine ?
First of all, let's note that the observation is the same: today we are witnessing the start of something major, driven by digital technology. From tomorrow onwards, digital technology will have an even greater impact on us than it does today, whether in our businesses, in the way we produce and consume, or in the way we "Let's make society. In short, there is indeed a revolution.
If we prefer to characterise this revolution as a " 3th IT revolutionIn the words of Harvard strategy professor Michael Porter, there are two reasons for this.
The first is that it allows us to name the essence and the driving force of this revolution: IT. We believe it is important to name precisely the cause of this revolution so that we can better understand it for what it is. After all, it does not come from industry or machines.
The second reason is that we don't know for sure where this revolution will take us. We do know, however, that this revolution is essential. We cannot afford to announce the "death of capitalism as Jeremy Rufkin does. But is this a lack of vision on our part? We prefer to follow the philosopher Maurice Blondel when he said "You can't predict the future, you have to prepare for it" ...
Adwise : Tomorrow, everything will be connected, from our car to our fridge, from our boiler to our trainers. But right now, the market for connected watches is running out of steam without having really taken off: isn't the real problem with the IoT - the Internet of Things - primarily one of use, and therefore a marketing problem?
Jean-Paul Crenn: You're absolutely right. In our book, we conceptualised the Internet of Things in the form of a stepped pyramid: sensors at the base, then data aggregation, then object analytics and finally cognitive action.
This is the ultimate degree of this "pyramid of objects which is at the heart of the IoT issue. What decisions need to be made? By whom - AI? - ? For what added value for users? To build what competitive advantages for the company? The failures of the first connected objects were simply due to the fact that only the first two levels of the pyramid were taken into account. This is the (technological) tree that hides the (usage) forest.
Allow me to make two comments:
- Your definition of connected objects is perhaps a little simplistic. It doesn't include two of the IoT's greatest successes: smartphones and... RFID chips.
- Gérard HAAS and I have come up with another name for connected objects, that of intelligent connected objects (OIC), because it's intelligence that makes the difference... (thanks for the Buzzword!).
Adwise : The Internet of Things is going to generate gigantic databases, which manufacturers are finding very difficult to process, whatever the big data specialists may say. At the same time, Europe is stepping up regulations to protect the privacy of its citizens.
Jean-Paul Crenn: We would go even further. What is at stake is not only the privacy of citizens, but also their security and their physical, financial and moral integrity. Because ICOs will not be limited to our externality, they will be - they already are, just look at some insulin pumps - inside us.