Artificial intelligence and qualitative research in 2017?

As well as greetings and sales, January also sees the return of predictions for the year ahead, and the themes that have been playing over and over again in our marketing ecosystem: blockchain, connected objects and robots, big data and artificial intelligence. - Big data is not a new subject: in fact, 2016 saw the recruitment of a large number of data [...].

Usine IO: support from design to industrialisation

Gary, you co-direct Usine IO. What is its mission? Yes, with my partners Agathe and Benjamin. Usine's mission is to support all physical product project leaders from design through to industrialisation. We want to become the benchmark for hardware product development worldwide. Companies are under pressure to innovate [...].

Start-ups and innovation

The faster time goes on, the more prejudices take over as absolute rules, unavoidable axioms - and today more than ever in the small world of marketing, which often struggles to keep up with technological and societal developments. For example, it's a good thing that start-ups are there to innovate, because large companies are totally incapable of doing so. [...]

Yahoo, la fin d’un Géant – Entretien avec Catherine Reichert

Catherine, tu quittes Yahoo après 5 années comme Directrice de la Communication pour l’Europe du sud : Yahoo fut une des marques emblématiques de la Nouvelle Économie et reste aujourd’hui encore une marque presque mythique… Malgré tout, Yahoo a connu ces dernières années une incroyable descente aux enfers : pourquoi ? Yahoo est effectivement une […]

Putting the consumer at the heart of innovation

Interview on innovation with Laurent Ponthou, Director of Transformation at Orange In the 90s, when the French were asked what they would think of a wireless telephone that would allow them to communicate in the street, they said it would never work: when it comes to innovation, we can no longer rely on consumers as we used to? [...]

The 7 golden rules of successful Design Thinking!

The ability to transform in an ultra-reactive, fast-changing world where the end customer is king is the key to a company's success. Kodak failed to transform itself, but IBM did. The Design Thinking approach offers this capacity for transformation to companies that respect a few rules... but also a few apparent paradoxes: [...]

Did you say IoT?

Connected objects are invading our world, and hundreds of thousands of start-ups are developing the craziest projects; the major groups, although often overtaken by the movement, do not want to be left behind and are investing considerable sums in this area. But what are we really talking about? I'm not talking about the [...]

Don't confuse influence with intelligence on social networks

Jean-Marc (Goachet), tu es Social Media Manager de MINES ParisTech (= pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas : l’École des Mines de Paris) ; tu as participé à la rédaction des “Médias sociaux expliqués à mon boss” ; tu es également Coprésident du Club Marketing 2.0 de l’Adetem. 1.   Tes différentes fonctions te conduisent à […]

AlphaGo and global domination made in Google

Avec 4 victoires à 1, AlphaGo a battu en mars 2016 Lee Sedol, champion du monde coréen en titre de jeu de go Petit détail qui a son importance : AlphaGo n’est pas un être humain, mais un programme d’intelligence artificielle mis au point par Google DeepMind. Cette domination de la machine sur l’homme n’est […]

Delphine Duran-Lesecq, Co-Chair of the Adetem Innovation Club

- Delphine, you're co-chair of Adetem's innovation club, but you're also an expert in marketing research after a career in research institutes (Millward Brown) and with advertisers (Thomson, Newell Rubbermaid). Nowadays, no-one calls themselves a research director: they talk about Consumer Insight Manager, marketing intelligence... Why this change? - Research is one of [...]