Home trends

  En parallèle de la Paris Design Week en septembre dernier, le salon Maison&Objet est le rendez-vous design, le grand détecteur de tendances émergentes et de mouvements de consommation. Notre planneur stratégique y était et vous décrypte dans cet article les partis-pris de cette édition. De toute évidence, on opte pour une maison saine et […]

B2B quantitative research: what are the best practices for success?

Il se dit souvent qu’interroger les professionnels est très difficile. L’étude quantitative en B2B présente des particularités lorsqu’on la compare à une étude quantitative en B2C. Les cibles sont plus complexes (entreprises en B2B, consommateurs en B2C) et des adaptations doivent être opérées pour tenir compte de ses différences. Dans cet article, Magali Chareyron, Directrice […]

Food at the heart of tensions: How can we anticipate the changes to come?

L’alimentation se trouve au cœur des grandes ruptures écologiques, économiques, numérique, organique et philosophique avec un impact sur notre santé, notre souveraineté et notre économie. Comment anticiper les changements à venir ? Stéphane BRUNERIE, fondateur du Sens de l’Alimentation et expert de la transition alimentaire nous révèle ses convictions. Stéphane BRUNERIE a passé plus de 20  […]

Data, insights and strategy: Why rethink your approach to innovation?

For the 10th edition of Printemps des Études, Florence Hussenot from Adwise will be sharing new approaches and methods for product innovation. Thursday 29 September at 5pm (room 311) with the participation of Daniela Maurer and Xue Pei, Italian designers from the Polytechnic University of Milan. Don't delay in registering. It's the perfect opportunity to share [...]

Digital beauty communities, the era of participative innovation

For several days now, Adwise has been interacting with consumers who are passionate about cosmetics and who are spoilt for choice when it comes to buying make-up or, more generally, skincare and beauty products. Through interviews conducted in our agency and a discussion platform on social networks, the team interacts with people who are [...]

Mirror, mirror, tell me what my product of the future is 

Being bold and choosing to enter a new category without having yet developed your product is a step that many brands have taken. But the competition for shelf space and the need to move fast are very real. These are the reasons why using a Scenario Building method is essential for innovation. [...]

Persona, who are you?

Knowing your target is a fundamental basis of marketing, an essential step in getting to know your prospects and customers so that you can redefine your raison d'être, launch new products or crack an insight. But the customer environment is increasingly complex. That's why creating or rethinking a buyer persona is essential for refocusing your marketing strategy.

New identity and new website for Adwise's 20th anniversary

Adwise is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. To mark the occasion, the marketing research and consultancy agency is revamping its tagline and launching its new website, giving fresh impetus to its visual identity. This step is also part of a desire to demonstrate its capacity for renewal and anticipation in an ever-changing market. [...]

Use our digital community to spot the innovations you're waiting for

Our FabLab is currently buzzing with activity. And with good reason! Our digital community of 400 DIY enthusiasts, all of whom are GSB customers, has been asked to take part in an exploratory Design Thinking project. Our budding and seasoned DIY enthusiasts are sharing their experiences around the theme of humidity so that they can live in a healthy home and breathe clean air. As you can imagine, [...]

Spring Party by Adetem

Save the date | Rendez-vous Wednesday 30 March from 7pm, an after-work event not to be missed. The Adwise team will be delighted to meet you there alongside Adetem and the entire interprofession at the premises of their partner Brainsonic (45 rue Sédaine Paris 11). There are still a few places available. Don't delay [...]