

The brief came from a leading player in the insecticides market, who wanted to develop a range of dewkiller-raticides for DIY superstores.

the Challenge

The challenge was to understand the keys to success in this universe, to help choose the brand to use (Kapo, Oro, a new brand?), the claims, the packs and the messages to use.


The Adwise approach was ad hoc, consultative and agile
-We organised video focus groups with French purchasers of souricides to clarify their perception of these pests, their expectations, their perception of competitor packs and to test packaging proposals;

the results

The results were extraordinary
By following our recommendations, the team achieved its referencing and sales targets a year ahead of schedule.

Our other projects

Update and put into perspective your 
customer vision

Identifying opportunities 

and give you the keys 

of your success


Enriching offerings and providing a vision of the innovation strategy


Put the mark 

in resonance 

with the times